Monday, April 15, 2013

Week 12 Photos - Miskolc

Fresh Nővér on her 22nd birthday in Miskolc,
Hungary! Don't know who did the graffiti,
but it was perfect for her birthday!
On her birthday she work up "to our study room 
filled with balloons and a funny little gift from my 
companions" and then they made her polacsitás 
(which are like crepes) for breakfast.
Walking through an old cemetery. 
Fresh Nővér said they were "teaching about
baptism for the dead!!!"
Do you notice something different about Fresh Nővér?
. . .  Her bangs are gone!!! She is growing them out 
for when it gets "deathly hot" this summer and said,
 "I will likely cut them again when it starts getting cold."
Street contacting with Rupard Nóvér.
Fresh Nővér went "tabling" on Saturday and said
"it was so fun!!!" The weather has finally started to
warm up and so the sun was shining. Things started
off slowly, but they ended up having some success!
Fresh Nővér and an old "Bácsi" (the literal translation 
is "uncle") they met while tabling. He wanted to have 
his picture taken with the "pretty" American girl!!!
Fresh Nővér and Mckay Növér, who is her trainer!

1 comment:

  1. She looks so different without her bangs! I've gotten so used to them. Happy 22nd birthday Aimee!
