Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Week 21 Photos - Buda

"I have sooo much to tell you all this week! We did so many things and then found out about transfers ... life is crazy and time goes so so fast!!! I can't believe transfers are tomorrow, and that I will be starting my 3rd transfer (six week period) in Hungary!"

"First of all, last p-day we went paddle boating on a little lake. It was really similar to the paddle boats at the Lake Club at home, but so much more fun because my whole district was out there. We were just telling stories and laughing and the weather has finally been getting nice!!"

This is the Budapest City Park Pond which has paddle
boats in the summer and becomes the largest outdoor
skating rink in Eastern Europe in the winter.
Fresh Nővér and Behunin Nővér are excited about 
going on the paddle boats!
Fresh Nővér with two of the Buda elders ... 
Judd Elder and Judd Elder, they are cousins!
The Buda District enjoying the nice weather
as they float on the pond!

"This week we also had Zone Conferences. The Buda Zone met on Tuesday and was good! ... because I live in  Buda and right across from the Branch House [where the mission office is] I was there periodically on the two days that the other zones had their conferences so I got to see so many of my friends!!! I love them all so much!!!"

This is the Buda Zone ... the one Fresh Nővér is in!

"Then on Saturday we got such a treat, like literally a dream come true for me! We went to the Hungarian State Opera House and got to see the ballet Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs!!!!! I was seriously so so excited that I was like a little girl. I was happy and smiley the whole time I was watching it!!! ... I have wanted to go to a ballet for such a long time now and I got to do it here in Buda!!!"

"It was a beautiful building!!!" The Opera House
was built in 
neo-Renaissance style structure and
completed in 1884. 
It is considered one of the finest opera houses
in the world. This is the central chandelier and
painted ceiling. 
The red seats and balconies that are inside 
the Opera House.
Falslev Nővér, Fresh Nővér, and Behunin Nővér 
in front of the Opera House.
Funny faces while waiting for the ballet to begin!

In her email this week Fresh Nővér talked a little about why she is serving a mission: "The people of Hungary are really why I am here. Relationships, creating these friendships, and having love and happiness are what is really important. It's not about coming home fluent in Hungarian, or developing other cool skills, but it is about the difference I can make by being me. The relationships and friendships that I  make here will last forever. There are so many wonderful people here that I already love, and many more that I have yet to meet, and I am dedicating the rest of my mission to them, to love them, to serve them, and make memories with them!" Some of these special people are ...

Fresh Nővér, Roxane, and István 
Fresh Nővér, Betti, Behunin Nővér, and Falslev Nővér
Fruzsina, Fresh Nővér, and Fanni
Falslev Nővér, Andréa, Fresh Nővér, and Behunin Nővér
Tabling with the YSAs ... The sign says "Ingyenes Angol 
Óra"  or "Free English Hour". It is advertising the weekly 
English class they teach.

Tomorrow is transfer day and the "threesome" and the "golden district" are getting split up. Fresh Nővér said, "it will just be so different so that is really hard. But I know I will have fun and enjoy whatever happens." 

The Buda District ("golden district") before transfers. 
"The best people in the world!!!! I will miss them all 
so much!!!"
The Buda "threesome" ... Behunin Nővér, Fresh Nővér,
and Falslev Nővér before transfers. "We love each
Having fun in some "néni (silly) nightgowns"!
Behunin Nővér celebrating her birthday!
"I love these people and
this place so much!!!"

1 comment:

  1. Looks like Behunin Nővér loved her birthday package! That was so kind of you, mom. :)
