"Sziasztok [Hi everyone] ... this week was good :)"
"REPÜLŐS TERVEK (flight plans): So all of you commented on them and I didn't know they sent them to you, but that's a good idea. Wednesday morning we were headed up to Buda for something with the Elders and I got a phone call from the mission office. They asked me 'What airport do you want to fly home to?" mehhhhhhh I was thinking 'I'm not that old yet! I'm not ready for this! I can't go home yet!!!' I was freaking out a little bit because I remember being with Sister Perkins when she got her flight plans, and she was so much older and more experienced than I am ... right? Weird that now I am the old one."
"KERESZTELŐ (baptism): János was baptized on Friday and confirmed on Sunday ... It was so good! He looked great in white, was so cute, and just a little nervous. After he was baptized he came and sat by me and I asked him how it was. He said he felt so good, and that right when he got out of the water he felt warm inside. I heard him later talking to his family that came and telling them about his feelings. Also, his confirmation was so great because literally every priesthood holder was in the circle. János just loves people and so he wanted everyone that was able to be there. After he got the Holy Ghost, he said that all his nervous feelings went away :) He is so cool!!!"
Peterson Nővér, János, and Fresh Nővér prior to his baptism. |
János and his family |
Fresh Nővér and János |
"ÉNEKELÉS (singing): Well, I sang [at the baptism] and people said it was good, but I didn't end up doing a solo ... maybe next time. I'm not at that level yet! Haha! Elder Jones sang with me and we did parts, and there was a line I did sing alone. To me it all sounded bad and weird, but people didn't like run out of the room screaming so I guess that is good :)"
"MÁRCIUS NEGYEDIK (March 4th): My favorite day!!!! It was cool even though we didn't celebrate. I just said that everything was special that day because it was March 4th. Haha! Everyone thinks it's weird that I have a favorite day that's not my birthday."
"MCDONALDST ETTÜNK (We ate McDonald's): So there was a half-off day at McDonald's and so we wrote it in our calendars and went. It was so great, but right when we sat down to eat this creepy guy and his family sat by us. The elders kind of knew him and he was just not a good guy, so we quickly packed our food in the little boxes and left. I kind of felt like a spy. It was cool ... I loved it!!! I might try and be a spy when I get home :)"
"KŐVÉRTŐL NŐVÉRRE (From fat to sister): We made this up this week and decided we are going to be healthy and try to loose a pound a week because guess who gained 20 pounds and has 20 weeks left ... yeah, it's me :) mehhhh!"
"Fat to Sister" Poster |
"OLVASOK A TAN ÉS A SZÖVETSÉGET (I am reading Doctrine and Covenants): So we do this thing in our mission where you start to read the Doctrine and Covenants when you have however many days left as there are Doctrine and Covenants sections ... And I started on Saturday. Crazy, but its cool! The Doctrine and Covenants is a nice little thing, so if anyone wants to do it with me you need to read section 3 today :)"
"TANÍTUNK (We teach): So we teach a lot of people ... We track a ton and get let into people's houses a lot, but they don't always want to learn more which is a bummer. People are really busy and just kind of don't have time for religion. It's sad because the church doesn't really take too much time, it just kind of just fits into life :) So, we do a lot of tracking, and we street sometimes, but not too much because my comp has some knee problems. We also teach an English class every Tuesday here in Duna. We are teaching the gospel to a new couple from our class named Tamás and Edina ... and it's fun :) I teach the beginner class with Elder Jones, who dies in 10 days!!!! Crazy!
"We went to a car wash!!!" |
"I hope that was some good info, because I can't honestly think of anything else that happened. I know I had fun, and we laughed a lot. Sister Peterson is fun ... I love her :) I won't email next Monday because transfer calls are on Tuesday, so I will be on the computers then. I don't know if I will stay or leave Duna. mehhhhh"
"I love you all ... The church is true :)"
"Sok szeretettel
Fresh nővér"
Aimee draws the best stick figures of anyone I know! :) And I don't believe she's gained 20 lbs. I think she looks great!