Monday, November 18, 2013

Week 43 Photos - Veszprém

This was Fresh Nővér first email from her new area: (no photos from this week so far ... these are from the internet)

Picturesque Veszprém is set in the Bakony Hills 
within the Balaton Uplands, one of the most unspoiled 
and beautiful national parks in Hungary. 
The fire tower is a landmark in Veszprém. It
originally functioned as a watchtower and was later
used for the early detection of fires. 

"Veszprém is really pretty, the smallest city I have served in so far and also the coldest city in the mission.... so it’s cool because I love the cold... not! Haha!  Honestly, I am always cold, but it’s okay.  Oh, and it is also a super windy city too so that makes it colder.  It really is pretty though and very hilly.  My calves have been hurting because I am not used to walking up hills! Our apartment is the coolest apartment ever!!! It is like a couples loft and so we have a tub with jets, a balcony, and a little loft where a ladder pulls down.  I love it, and it will be a fun place to be for Christmas. The members and investigators are so cool :)  I really like the people here. I like this area so far, which is good because I will probably be here for a while."

These are the Margaret ruins ... the remains of
significant early medieval ecclesiastical buildings which
were built for Dominican nuns around 1240.
The church and the monastery were destroyed at the
time of the Turkish Conquest. Today only the foundation
walls and part of the church wall are visible.

There are four missionaries in Veszprém; Fresh Nővér and her companion Maxwell Nővér, as well as two elders. Their district also includes the missionaries from Székesféhervár so she was able to see Broadhead Nővér and Butterfield Nővér when they had their district meeting on Friday. Also on Friday ... "We also had two feeding programs in a row so I was very full at the end. The people were super cute and I loved just talking with them and feeling like I could understand a little more!"

The Castle Gate, also called Heroes’ Gate 
commemorates the Hungarian victims of World War I. 
The building was constructed in 1936.
Saint Michael's Cathedral was founded around 1000 A.D.
and is one of the oldest cathedrals in Hungary.

"On Sunday we went to church, and I really like the ward here! I had to introduce myself and give my testimony in church and so I thought I would write it for you guys :) ...

"Jó napot kívánok. Fresh nővér vagyok. Kaliforniából jöttem. Ida jöttem Magyarországra Maricusban. Előszór szolgáltam Miskolcon, aztán Budán, Székesfehérváron és most itt Veszprémben. Halás vagyok, hogy itt lehetek. Szeretnék tenni a rövid bizonyságom. Tudom, hogy Isten a mi Mennyei atyánk és Ő szeret minket, azért Ő küldet a fiát Jézus Krisztus a földre a Megváltonk lenni. Tudom, hogy az evangélium teljessége vissza lett állítva a földre Joseph Smithen keresztül, és Ő lefordította a Mormon Könyvét. Tudom, hogy ez igaz. Ezeket a dolgokat én mondom Jézus Krisztus neveben, Ámen."

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