Monday, April 29, 2013

Week 14 Photos - Miskolc

"We tracked a pretty significant building ... the 20 STORY 
ONE!!! There are like a million 5 and 10 story communist
 buildings everywhere here in Miskolc, but there is only one 
20 story one, and we tracted it. We were fighting with 
the Elders about who would get to tract it and we won!!!"
"It was super sketchy and the elevator smelled like
dead cats, but the view from the top was really great!
You could see the whole city and it was beautiful.
We didn't find any lasting success from tracting there
... just a few no show appointments."
A super large pizza from Don Pepe, "the best
pizza place" in Miskolc! They got the pizza
"for fun and because we like to eat :))"
Rupard Nővér and Fresh Nővér ... some "greenie" love!
Dia, Fresh Nővér, and Balázs ... Balázs is a member, 
Dia is an investigator, and they are siblings!!!
Fresh Nővér with Edina, an awesome member
of the Miskolc Branch! 

The next 3 pictures are taken at a Hungarian Farm in the countryside outside of Miskolc. The farm is owned by an investigator of the Elders named Tibor.

Fresh Nővér with the goats which she said 
were "really nasty" ... 
And with the baby horses which
were "so cute" ...
And riding bareback which was "so scary"!
"Miskolc's Heroes' Square ...
It is getting really pretty here!"

Monday, April 22, 2013

Week 13 Photos - Miskolc

The first five pictures were taken last p-day at Lillafüred (Miskolc-Lillafüred). Lillafüred is a town in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County, Hungary. Officially it is a part of Miskolc, but is actually almost 12 kilometres away from the city on the eastern edge of the Bükk Mountains.

The famous Palace Hotel (Palotaszálló)
was built between 1927 and 1930 in
the neo-Renaissance 
style and is
surrounded by a beautiful park.
Fresh Nővér, her companions, and one of the 
Zone Leaders doing a different type of "tracting"!
One of the many waterfalls in the park.
The highest waterfall in Hungary (20 meters high)
can be found here.
Fresh Nővér, her companions, and the zone leaders,
who also serve in Miskolc, in a scenic spot in 
Lake Hámori is a manmade lake that was
formed in the early 19th century.
Fresh Nővér, Jazmin, and MacKay Nővér playing dressup!
This is Kürtös, a Hungarian pastry, that Aimee loved 
eating in Romania. It is also called "chimney bread".
Kürtös is bread dough, wound on a cylindrical spit, roasted
over an open fire, and heavily sprinkled with sugar. YUMMY!
The missionaries that serve in Miskolc with
Elder Adler and his wife at  District Conference.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Week 12 Photos - Miskolc

Fresh Nővér on her 22nd birthday in Miskolc,
Hungary! Don't know who did the graffiti,
but it was perfect for her birthday!
On her birthday she work up "to our study room 
filled with balloons and a funny little gift from my 
companions" and then they made her polacsitás 
(which are like crepes) for breakfast.
Walking through an old cemetery. 
Fresh Nővér said they were "teaching about
baptism for the dead!!!"
Do you notice something different about Fresh Nővér?
. . .  Her bangs are gone!!! She is growing them out 
for when it gets "deathly hot" this summer and said,
 "I will likely cut them again when it starts getting cold."
Street contacting with Rupard Nóvér.
Fresh Nővér went "tabling" on Saturday and said
"it was so fun!!!" The weather has finally started to
warm up and so the sun was shining. Things started
off slowly, but they ended up having some success!
Fresh Nővér and an old "Bácsi" (the literal translation 
is "uncle") they met while tabling. He wanted to have 
his picture taken with the "pretty" American girl!!!
Fresh Nővér and Mckay Növér, who is her trainer!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Week 11 Photos - Miskolc

Fresh Nővér and her trainer MacKay Nővér!
The Miskloc "threesome" on their way to Budapest
to watch General Conference and attend a new
missionary training meeting.
A view of Budapest.
Another view of Budapest.
Fresh Nővér and Rupard Nővér with 
Budapest in the background.
It is not illegal to climb on statues in 
Hungary, so the sisters decided to get to 
know this Hungarian fellow better!
This is a bakery in Budapest. Fresh Nővér was excited to see 
it because the word "Friss" means "Fresh" in Hungarian!!!
Fresh Nővér with Carter Elder, a good friend from the MTC, 
after a District Meeting. They are in front of a "graffiti cave"!
The Miskloc Sisters trying to look tough 
inside the "graffiti cave".
Fresh Nővér going face-go-face with one of the 
gangsters on the wall of the cave.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Week 10 Photos - Arriving in Budapest/Miskolc

Fresh Nővér's first view of Hungary! It snowed 
the first couple of days she was there.
All of the missionaries who just arrived in Hungary at 
the Budapest Airport with President and Sister Smith.
So tired after the long flight . . . The first
night they got to sleep in the mission home!
The number of sisters in the Hungary Budapest Mission 
went from 16 to 27 with the arrival of their group. 
This is all the sisters currently serving, plus two who had 
finished their missions and were flying home the next day.
This is at the new missionary assignment meeting, 
where the "greenies" were given their first 
companion and city assignments.
Fresh Nővér with her first companions in Hungary,
Rupard Nővér, who was in the other district at the

MTC, and Mackay Nővér, her trainer.
"I am serving in a city called Miskolc, and It is the
4th biggest city in hungary and I love it here!!!"
Miskolc is in the northeast part of Hungary.
Miskolc reminds Fresh Nővér a lot of Romania. 
The ugly, square buildings in the background 
are "communist era" apartment buildings.
This is the bedroom in Fresh Nővér's apartment. 
She is on the air mattress in the middle.
Fresh Nővér's desk is on the right. I sent her a bunch of
photographs of family and friends this week and she
plans to tape them all around her desk.
An "awesome" sister from the Miskolc Branch at the church 
building on Easter Sunday. It was Fresh Nővér's first Sunday 
in Hungary and she bore her testimony in Hungarian!
With the daughters of the family they ate Easter
dinner with. She said, 
"I love this family and they are so 
kind and patient with me and my lack of Hungarian! " 
With one of the daughters . . . everyone in
the family is a member of the church!
 A picture of DiosGyőr Castle which they visited on P-day.
Door knocking at the DiosGyőr Castle, 
but no one answered!
Fresh Nővér and her two companions at DiosGyőr Castle.
The "Armies of Helaman" wielding their 
"swords of truth" at the DiosGyőr Castle.
When Fresh Nővér saw this she said, "so much VIVA!"
 Viva is a cereal in Romania that she loved!