Monday, July 7, 2014

Week 76 - Győr

From Fresh Nővér's email this week:

"Happy America day!!! I had a surprisingly great celebration here as we had a little birthday party for America with the youth. I made brownies and they were hard and burnt, but everyone said they liked them ... I swore off making them ever again but with all the compliments I think I might have to make them someday ... mehhh The party was super fun! We played American games and did American things. I got my face painted and we threw water balloons. Oh  so great!! We love America, and the biggest surprise of all was that night in the bel város, where we live, there were fireworks :) So crazy I didn't even know they loved America that much here!"

"We love America!" ... Fresh Nővér, Watson Elder,
and Williamson Nővér celebrating on the 4th of July.

"Face Paint with Goldie ...
She wanted hers to match mine!"

Fresh Nővér and Nelson, a ward member from
Portugal, at the youth party.

Other odds and ends that happened this week:

"There was a super cute kids festival this weekend in the bel város and I want to like bring my kids back here for that... They like closed down the whole island and some roads so that kids could just  run around everywhere!!! It was a childs dream. Everything was decorated really cute and was very colorful too :) I love this city."

"I'm a bad person ... I made a bácsi [old man] cry. We streeted a man and were just talking with him. I asked him what makes him happy and  he just started crying and walked away... i felt so bad. :("

"We streeted another man and he told me he could tell I was from America because my skin was so brigh .... its funny because I feel like I'm pretty tan right now. :(  hahaha"

"Also we were streeting and this néni [old woman] on a bike (seriously my favorite thing to see is nénis and bácsis on bikes) rides by and says, 'Excuse me ... I just wanted to say you two are really cute in your skirts' and other stuff like that. I guess she appreciated our modesty :)"

"We got a new kind of calling this week, primary chorister :) ... our good friend Edit asked us to help and so we just go in during Sunday School and sing with the kids :) Probably the best part of my week! :) Kids singing in Hungarian... talk about cute :)"
Last Fast Sunday:
"Yesterday was my last Fast Sunday here and so of course I wanted to bear my testimony. I felt fine about it and was ready to just get up there and not be emotional or anything, but right when I stood up to go and bear my testimony it hit me that I was leaving soon. I forgot everything I wanted to say to my beautiful Hungarians and I just like couldn't talk because I was fighting the tears. Basically, I just said a few things about loving  Hungary and all that. Then I sat down and bawled the rest of the meeting... It was the worst. All these little kids were staring at me and asking why I was crying. I think it was good to cry though, I have been wanting too for a while now but have been trying to be strong. I think church is the perfect place where you can just cry and no one can be mad... just blame it on the spirit or something, right?"

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